Time is Love.1, Galerie Octobre, Paris

Saturday 8 November 2008

Galerie Octobre
24 rue Rene Boulanger
Paris 75010

Including artists :

Perry Bard (USA) works with video installations and public art. Her work has been exhibited internationally in such venues as the Museum of Modern Art & PS1, New York; Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn...

Denis Brun (France) employs several mediums as video, drawing, sound, ceramic, clothes. He has shown at Musee d'Art Contemporain, Nice (France); Logoscope, Monaco; Self Help Graphic, Los Angeles; Galerie Baudelaire, Antwerpen (Belgium).

Mark Boswell (USA) is a teacher and experimental film director. He was awarded the 2004 International Media Art Award from the ZKM Museum in Karlsruhe (Germany). His films were screened at San Francisco Art Institute, Pratt Institute, New York; UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Anna Akhmatova Museum, St-Petersburg (Russia).

Sachiko Hayashi (Japan) is best known for her net art that involves examination of human nature with use of interactivity. Exhibition venues include: Saitama Museum of Modern Art, Japan; Micro Museum, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Washington DC; Museum of Science and Technology, Stockholm.

Jenny Hyde (USA) is a new media artist holding an MFA from Alfred University, New York. Her work explores questions about physical experiences and environment. She has shown at Lohin Geduld Gallery, New York; Trade Center, Seattle; Scope Fair Miami; Loop Festival, Barcelona...

Ane Lan (Norway/Germany) is an acclaimed performance artist graduated from the National College of Art in Oslo. He was presented in important institutions such as the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Victoria & Albert Museum, London; Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo; Venice Bienniale...

Marie Magescas (France) employs video, performance and painting. Her works have been exhibited at Portobello Festival, London; Biennale de l'image, Geneva; Glogau Air Center, Berlin; Galerie Pecheur, Paris.

Till Nowak (Germany) is a digital artist and filmmaker working in his own computer animation's studio for film productions. He has been recognized by several awards: AFI Fest, Hollywood; NBK-Studio, Berlin; Viper, Basel; Icon Festival, Tel Aviv...

Irena Paskali (Macedonia/Germany) deals with the disintegration of cultures and religions by using video, photo, print and installation. She has participated in numerous shows at ICA, London; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne; Casino, Luxembourg.

Chiara Passa (Italy) obtained a Master in New Audiovisual Media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Roma. She makes animation and interactive video installation. She has exhibited at MAK Museum, Vienna; National Museum of the XXI, Roma; CCCB, Barcelona; Ex-Egges Gallery, New York.

Jean-Gabriel Periot (France) directed short movies both in video and cinema. His works were shown worldwide and were honoured by many prizes: Hiroshima Museum of Arts, Japan; French Institute, New York; London Animation Festival; Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival.

Joshua Sandler (USA) is an artist teacher employing photography and video. Recent exhibitions include Pratt Institute, New York; Lincoln Center, New York; Scope Fair, Basel; Museum of Contemporary Art, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Farideh Shahsavarani (Iran) is well know for combining sound and pictures in variety of art forms: video, photo, painting. Many solo and group exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran; Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tokyo; Muzeum Contemporary, Zagreb (Croatia); Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris.

Richard Sidey (New Zeland) is a digital media designer and photographer graduated at Massey University, Wellington. His winning award film " Aeon " was screened recently at TE PAPA Museum, Wellington.

Arthur Tuoto (Brazil) works with new media, video and photography. His works have been exhibited in more than 50 festivals around the world such as Movil Fest, Barcelona; Fringe Festival, Melbourne; Electroc3, Lyon (France); Buenos Aires Festival de Cine Independiente (Argentina)...

Jules Van Hulst (Netherlands)'s practice particulary includes video and painting with artist Miguel Dos Santos. His videos were screened at Scope Fair, New York; Van Haren Museum, Heerenween (Netherlands); Krana Polsky Foundation, Amsterdam; Centro de Produccion de Artes Visuales, Barcelona.

Petra Warrass (Germany) creates video and photography. Her work has been showcased at Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Galerie Im Kornerpark, Berlin; Fan Club Gallery, Amsterdam; Tsinghua University, Beijing (China)...

Bart Wasem (Switzerland) is a designer and experimental film director. Various awards at festivals include Nemo Festival, Paris; Motion Graphics Festival, Chicago;  Movie Fest, Moscow; Cine Globe, Geneva...

Anders Weberg (Sweden) is a media artist and filmmaker working in video, sound and installation. He is concerned with issues of identity in the digital age. He has exhibited at Museum of Science and Technology, Stockholm; Lincoln Center, New York; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography.

Alison Williams (South Africa) is a filmmaker using performance-based works with a strong tendency towards the dramatic. Her works appear internationally such as Chelsea Art Museum, New York; Casoria Art Museum, Naples; Scope Fair, Basel; Al Khaf Gallery, Bethlehem...

Simon Woolham (UK) is a multidisciplinary artist working with video, animation, installation, drawing. His work is concerned primarily with occupied spaces and the narratives that unfold in them. He has exhibited at Museum of Garden History, London; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Plus Gallery, Dusseldorf; G39 Gallery, Cardiff...

Bree Yenalavitch (USA) received an MFA from Otis College of Art, Los Angeles and works in multimedia.
Her works were shown at Ithaca Gallery, New York; University Art Museum, Santa Barbara; Bolsky Gallery, Los Angeles; Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam.

Jody Zellen (USA) works in many media simultaneously making photographs, installations, net art, public art that highlight the subject of the urban environment. Her work was recently presented at Laguna Art Museum, California; Carl Berg Gallery, Los Angeles; Pace Digital Gallery, New York; Sao Paolo Biennale.

                                          Moutra, Farideh Shahsavarani

                                                         The intruder, Simon Woolham

                              Love is..., Joshua Sandler

                                A new look, Bree Yenalavitch

Special thanks to
Coordinator: Annabelle Boko
Poster designer: Frederica Louisa 
